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What is the Voice for the Soul Workshop ?

The “Voice for the Soul” workshop was created and designed by Lesley using her corporate design & facilitation skills.  The goal of the workshop is to provide a safe space for all participates to engage in various activities & discussions that foster self-awareness and empowerment. Most importantly focusing on a renewed narrative centered on daily self-love and living as your authentic self.


By sharing valuable tools, spiritual practices and the wisdom attained thru her life evolution, She hopes to empower her groups to navigate life with greater grace, resilience and awareness of our free willed power.  

Even in life’s unpredictable moments blessings are amidst the challenge. Its all about perspective.


With a guided meditation & stillness experience including journaling from within.  Her hope is to lead participants to recognize their ability to make their own paradigm shift on how they see themselves the power they posses to create the experiences they want.  This workshop was created to bring a greater awareness to every person’s spiritual gifts and unique intrinsic abilities. We are all inherently worthy to receive love fully. Its our birthright to be loved cherished and celebrated.  

Rock Balancing

Voice for the Soul Workshop

Lesley's Mission

Monica Place - Voice for the Soul Workshop PIC 2
Voice for the Soul Workshop

"I enjoyed how she was talking to her audience as if she was just hanging out with friends. Lesley was very open and conversational which was nice. It didn't feel like I was listening to a speaker, it was more of a conversation.  She was also very empowering and motivational."

"I related to her discussions about feeling overwhelmed or I guess bad about yourself. Especially when she was talking about 'controlled tantrums'. I find myself doing these when I am overwhelmed or upset, and it definitely makes me feel better."

Lesley's hope is to continue to facilitate the Voice for the Soul Workshop in highs schools and organizations that support youth & women. Lesley wants to be a mentor of light and foster greater understanding of selflove and empowerment. Our younger generations need relatable mentors to help them find their way to their truth rather than looking for external acceptance and love from powerless energies like social media & other external factors. Authentic power comes from within!

 Its time to cultivate real & relatable discussions on spiritual and emotional intelligence in our learning environments.

"No suggestions! I think Lesley is a great speaker and thought it was amazing she is taking time to take one of the girls out for lunch and a talk! I can't speak for the MP girls but from what I saw I think Lesley really connected with the girls with all of the discussions!"

Buddha Statue

For More Information on Hosting a Workshop!

Contact Lesley


@2024 Lesley Ann Forbes. All Rights Reserved.

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